Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm

Dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm

dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm

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Student Projects

Undergraduate students in the third and fourth years of the Final Honour School of Computer Science, and students for the MSc in Computer Science are required to undertake a project. This is your chance to work on your own project, something that interests and inspires you. We have put together a brief guidance document on how to do it; please click on the link below.

On this site, you will also find a sortable and searchable list of projects and potential supervisors. You are welcome to choose one of the projects on the list, or approach a potential supervisor and negotiate your own topic. The increased relevance of renewable energy sources has modified the behaviour of the electrical grid. Some renewable energy sources affect the network in a distributed manner: whilst each unit has little influence, a large population can have a significant impact on the global network, particularly in the case of synchronised behaviour.

This work investigates the behaviour of a large, heterogeneous population of photovoltaic panels connected to the grid. We employ Markov models to represent the aggregated behaviour of the population, while the rest of the network and its associated consumption is modelled as a single equivalent generator, accounting for both inertia and frequency regulation.

Analysis and simulations of the model show that it is a realistic abstraction, and quantitatively indicate that heterogeneity is necessary to enable the overall network to function in safe conditions and to avoid load shedding.

This project will provide extensions of this recent research. In collaboration with an industrial partner. Stochastic Hybrid Systems SHS are dynamical models that are employed to characterize the probabilistic evolution of systems with interleaved and interacting continuous and discrete components.

Formal analysis, verification, and optimal control of SHS models represent relevant goals because of their theoretical generality and for their applicability to a wealth of studies in the Sciences and in Engineering. In a number of practical instances the presence of a discrete number of continuously operating modes e. In this project, we plan to investigate and develop new analysis and verification techniques e. Courses: Computer-Aided Formal Verification, Probabilistic Model Checking, Probability and Computing, Automata Logic and Games.

Smart microgrids are small-scale versions of centralized electricity systems, which locally generate, distribute, and regulate the flow of electricity to consumers. Among other advantages, microgrids have shown positive effects over the reliability of distribution networks. These systems present heterogeneity and complexity coming from 1, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm.

local and volatile renewables generation, and 2. the presence of nonlinear dynamics both over continuous and discrete variables. These factors calls for the development of proper quantitative models.

This framework provides the opportunity of employing formal methods to verify properties of the microgrid, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm. The goal of the project is in particular to focus on the energy production via renewables, such as photovoltaic panels.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with stochastic processes and formal verification, whereas no specific knowledge of smart grids is needed. This project is targeted to enhance the software tollbox VeriSiMPL ''very simple''which has been developed to enable the abstraction of Max-Plus-Linear MPL models. MPL models are specified in MATLAB, and abstracted to Labeled Transition Systems LTS.

The LTS abstraction is formally put in relationship with its MPL counterpart via a bi simulation relation. The abstraction procedure runs in MATLAB and leverages sparse representations, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm, fast manipulations based on vector calculus, and optimized data structures such as Difference-Bound Matrices.

LTS can be pictorially represented via the Graphviz tool and exported to PROMELA language. This enables the verification of MPL models against temporal specifications within the SPIN model checker. We are interested in working with existing commercial simulation software that is targeted around the modelling and analysis of physical, multi-domain systems. It further encompasses the integration with related software tools, as well as the interfacing with devices and the generation of code.

We are interested in enriching the software with formal verification features, envisioning the extension of the tool towards capabilities that might enable the user to raise formal assertions or guarantees on models properties, or to synthesise correct-by-design architectures, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm.

The student will be engaged in developing algorithmic solutions towards this goal, while reframing dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm within a formal and general approach.

The project is inter-disciplinary in dealing with hybrid models involving digital and physical quantities, and in connecting the use of formal verification techniques from the computer sciences with more classical analytical tools from control engineering.

Courses: Computer-Aided Formal Verification, Software Verification. Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic formal verification. This project will explore connections of techniques from machine learning with successful approaches from formal verification. On the other hand, a more practical project will apply dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm above theoretical connections on a simple models setup in the area of robotics and autonomy. Courses : Computer-Aided Formal Verification, Probabilistic Model Checking, Machine Learning.

This project shall investigate a rich research line, recently pursued by a few within the Department of CS, looking at the development of quantitative abstractions of Markovian models. Abstractions come in the form of lumped, aggregated models, which are beneficial in being easier to simulate or to analyse. Key to the novelty of this work, the proposed abstractions are quantitative in that precise error bounds with the original model can be established.

As such, whatever can be shown over the abstract model, can be as well formally discussed over the original one. This project, grounded on existing literature, will pursue depending on the student's interests extensions of this recent work, or its implementation as a software tool. Reinforcement Learning RL is a known architecture for synthesising policies for Markov Decision Processes MDP. We convert the dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm into an automaton, then construct a product MDP between the automaton and the original MDP.

A reward function is then assigned to the states of the product automaton, according to accepting conditions of the automaton. Additionally, we show that the RL procedure sets up an online value iteration method to calculate the maximum probability of satisfying the given property, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm, at any given state of the MDP.

We evaluate the performance of the algorithm on numerous numerical examples. This project will provide extensions of these novel and recent results. Prerequisites: Computer-Aided Formal Verification, Probabilistic Model Checking, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm, Machine Learning. Stochastic hybrid systems SHS are dynamical models for the interaction of continuous and discrete states, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm. The probabilistic evolution of continuous and discrete parts of the system are coupled, which makes analysis and verification of such systems compelling.

Among specifications of SHS, probabilistic invariance and reach-avoid have received quite some attention recently. Numerical methods have been developed to compute these two specifications. These methods are mainly based on the state space partitioning and abstraction of SHS by Markov chains, which are optimal in the sense of reduction in abstraction error with minimum number of Markov states. The goal of the project is to combine codes have been developed for these methods.

The student should also design a nice user interface for the choice of dynamical equations, parameters, and methods, etc. Courses: Probabilistic Model Checking, Probability and Computing, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm, Numerical Solution of Differential Equations. Contextuality is a fundamental feature of quantum physical theories and one that distinguishes it from classical mechanics. In a recent paper by Abramsky and Brandenburger, the categorical notion of sheaves has been used to formalize contextuality.

This has resulted in generalizing and extending contextuality to other theories which share some structural properties with quantum mechanics. A consequence of this type of modeling is a succinct logical axiomatization of properties such as non-local correlations and as a result of classical no go theorems such as Bell and Kochen-Soecker.

Like quantum mechanics, natural language has contextual features; these have been the subject of much study dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm distributional models of meaning, originated in the work of Firth and later advanced by Schutze, dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm.

These models are based on dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm spaces over the semiring of positive reals with an inner product operation. The vectors represent meanings of words, based on the contexts in which they often appear, and the inner product measures degrees of word synonymy. Recent work in our group has developed a compositional distributional model of meaning in natural language, which lifts vector space meaning to phrases and sentences.

This has already led to some very promising experimental results. However, this approach does not deal so well with the logical words. The goal of this project is to use sheaf theoretic models to provide both a contextual and logical semantics for natural language. We believe that sheaves provide a generalization dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm the logical Montague semantics of natural language which did very well in modeling logical connectives, but did not account for contextuality.

The project will also aim to combine these ideas with those of the distributional approach, leading to an approach which combines the advantages of Montague-style and vector-space semantics. The interested student should have taken the category theory and computational linguistics courses, or be familiar with the contents of these. We will investigate novel risk analysis -- likelihood of a patient having some medical condition -- using statistical analysis of a variety of genomics data sources.

This will make use of some new infrastructure for data management -- a query language for nested data -- along with the use of the SPARK framework, coupled with some basic statistics and machine learning algorithms. No background in genomics or statistics is necessary, but the project does require knowledge of the basics of data management e. undergrad database course or some experience with SQL and good programming skills. Let F1 and F2 be sentences in first-order logic, say such that F1 entails F2: that is, any model of F1 is also a model of F2.

The goal in this project is to explore and implement procedures for constructing interpolants, particularly for certain decidable fragments of first-order logic. It turns out that finding interpolants like this has applications in some dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm query rewriting problems. This project will look at how to find the best plan for a query, given a collection of data sources with access restrictions.

We will look at logic-based methods for analyzing query plans, taking into account integrity constraints that may exist on the data. Boolean gates like AND can then be described by chemical reactions over those species.

These dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm can in turn be implemented by DNA molecules and physically executed. Networks of such Boolean gates can function as controllers for molecular-scale devices, including devices we may want to insert into living organisms. We want to investigate, by mathematical analysis, modelchecking, and simulation, the noise behavior of these logical gates, due to both noisy inputs and to the intrinsic molecular fluctuations generated by chemical reactions.

How we can we compute reliably in such a regime, and how can we design logic gates that are resistant to noise? Throughout the last decade, categorical and diagrammatic methods have found enormous success in the field of quantum information theory, and are currently being extended to a variety of other disciplines. As part of this project, we will explore their application to classical cryptography and computer security. A number of distinct approaches are available, and the project can be tailored to each student's specific interests in the field.

Prerequisites : One of Quantum Computer Science or Categorical Quantum Mechanics required. Computer Security or equivalent experience desirable, but not required.

To reason on top of such massive temporal datasets effectively we need to provide a well-structured formalisation of temporal knowledge and to devise algorithms with good computational properties. This, however, is highly non-trivial; in particular logical formalisms for temporal reasoning often have high computational complexity. Dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm project provides an opportunity to join the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group and participate in exciting EPSRC-funded research on temporal reasoning, temporal knowledge graphs, and reasoning over streaming data.

There are opportunities to engage both in theoretically-oriented and practically-oriented research in this area.

Q CTRL — Educational Animation Series — Ep 2 Quantum Fundamentals

, time: 4:41

Course Information

dissertation on animation of quantum algorithm

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more 2. (Physics) Introduction to the quantum mechanics of two-level systems (qubits). Survey of physics and materials for qubit technologies. 3. (Computer Science) Basic quantum gates and circuits, introduction to the theory of algorithms, survey of quantum algorithms. 4. (Engineering) Quantum architectures, mapping algorithms onto circuits In addition to creation of original art and animation assets for the game, technical features to be designed and implemented include a novel game mechanic and/or user interaction model, game physics (i.e. particle systems and rigid body dynamics), character animation, game AI (i.e. movement control, path planning, decision making, etc.), sound

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