Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essay on dowry system in india

Essay on dowry system in india

essay on dowry system in india

Dowry has become one of the most important evils and is commonly practised all over the country. Dowry is paid to groom’s family from bride’s family at the time of marriage in the form of cash or property. In the beginning, the purpose of the dowry is to support the groom financially for the formation of new household + Words Essay on Dowry System. Dowry system is followed in India since a very long time. Our ancestors started this system for valid reasons but now it is leading to issues and problems in society. In this essay on dowry, we will see what dowry exactly is, how it started, and why it should be stopped now. History Of Dowry. Dowry system started even before the Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins  · Introduction to the Dowry System in India The practise of dowry has been prevalent for a long time in geographic areas like Asia, Africa, and Balkan states. The formal definition of Dowry is the value of tangible goods and security items like gold and ornaments that a bride brings along with her post blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins

Essay on Dowry System in India - , and words - ExamBia

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. People in India give much preference to family relationships and most of them follow arranged marriage system. According to this system there is no possibility for separation and marriage is forever. As divorce is not acknowledged amongst most Indians it is vital that the marriage choice is wisely thought and carefully planned and is one of the significant choices a person will ever take.

Usually the parents and family members look for certain attributes in spouse. The marriage partner is selected from their own religion, caste and to their matching social or economic status. The two families after marriage come into a common relationship and try to work out the marriage if any problem arises among the couple. Initially in the marriage process both the families exchange the pictures of bride and groom along with their bio-data. Preparations will be made to meet bride and groom along with their families if everything meets with an agreement.

In a traditional way the bride and groom are not allowed to see each other till their wedding essay on dowry system in india but now-a-days they are catching up and getting to know each other before their wedding. If either one of them thinks that they are not compatible with each other the marriage gets cancelled.

The time has neither changed them nor moved them forward and they want to lead and carry on their lives as their parents and grandparents did. Surprisingly, there are still child marriages and forced arranged marriages. The main intention of child marriage is to avoid the children when they become adults from searching by themselves someone from lower class or lower caste for marriage. It meant to control their children from getting married outside their religion and social status.

These child marriages are still taking part in rural places. This arranged marriage system is purely based on caste and has developed to encourage classism and racial discrimination.

India is respected and appreciated all over the world for its mythological culture and it is the land of gods. The deep faith in god, the religious environment and the mythological thinking has made Indians well cultured. Unfortunately dowry is one of the stained systems in our country which is like a dark spot in our image and is one of the biggest threats of the society.

Though the role of women in all paces of life is increasing in this contemporary society the value of dowry is growing day by essay on dowry system in india in India and the dowry practice is becoming extensive. Every citizen in this modern culture criticizes this system and yet it still expands at a very large scale which indicates how deeply this dowry system is rooted in the society. Dowry has become one of the most important evils and is commonly practised all over the country.

In the beginning, the purpose of the dowry is to support the groom financially for the formation of new household. The parents of the bride also help her to settle down essay on dowry system in india the new house with furniture, crockery, essay on dowry system in india, Motor vehicles and electronic appliances like Television, Refrigerator, Washing Machine etc.

They also give gifts such as jewellery and accessories. Girls from poor family who cannot afford dowry cannot be married to rich guy though the girl is beautiful and educated. After searching vigorously for about one year they finally found a perfect match for their daughter with a respectable job and good family. Even after the marriage for not bringing sufficient dowry the girl is often tortured and sometimes forced to commit suicide by the husband and in-laws. Among the dowry deaths most of them happen to be young women who are not able to bear the torture and persecution.

They commit suicide by fire, hanging oneself or by poisoning. At times they kill the women by setting her on fire and create it as an accident to escape the punishment and criminal charges. Bride burning take place when a women is murdered or set to fire by her husband or his family for not getting additional dowry demanded by them.

Over the past few years Indian women are facing problems and trapped in the deceitful marriages with the NRI Non Resident Indians. They get their daughter marry to him and arrange a lavish wedding thinking that their daughter would have a bright future and lead a happy life in abroad.

The common issues with these NRI marriages are most of the women are victims of phony promises, cheating, deception, desertion, essay on dowry system in india, huge dowry demands and quick divorces and most of them are abandoned by their husbands within months of their marriage.

Almost 2 in every 10 NRI essay on dowry system in india end up deceiving or in divorce. Then after there will be no phone call or message from him. Even if they manage to take their wives along with him then after short period of time they are isolated and are not allowed to speak with their parents and family members. They are abandoned and treated badly like servants and they make their life miserable in continuous fear and pain. Few years back there is a case which came up in news and the women committed suicide after marrying an NRI.

After marriage the women was taken by her husband to USA. One year later the husband started harassing and tortured her. They came back to India and the husband and her in-laws asked her family to give extra dowry else take her daughter with them. This made the women broken-hearted, miserable and thought she was a burden to her parents and finally hanged herself and died. Many of the charges are for those who are unable to provide visa for their spouse to travel to the United States.

The men have been charged by the court to pay huge amount of money for their spouse and sometimes the court seizes the U. S passport and he should stay in India until the case is settled.

The Indian police say that every year they receive about reports of bride burning and about dowry deaths. The number of dowry deaths reported in was by National Crime Records Bureau according their statistics which means that a bride was buried for every 90 minutes. The government has taken several steps to eradicate the evils of the dowry system and the dowry prohibition act was passed in It is liable and the person gets punished and imprisoned for six months and may also prolong to two years with a fine of Rs.

In they made some modifications in the dowry prohibition act and sections B and A of the Indian penal code were passed. In section A the law states that the husband or his family shall be imprisoned and fined if the woman is harassed cruelly. Conclusion:- Dowry which is an old social practice in India became an evil degrading the respect and status of women in the society. Laws alone cannot help to control the risk of dowry deaths. To get rid of this social evil I personally believe that both women and men should reject to get married if dowry is taken or given.

Especially women should stand against this practice and focus on their education and career relatively than concerning marriage as their only way of redemption. Social awareness should be developed among the young men and the women must also be encouraged with economic individuality and education.

With modernization and the cumulative role of women in a creative economy essay on dowry system in india should be empowered to make their own decisions and with their contribution to the family economy one would expect support for this social evil to disappear. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, essay on dowry system in india, we can send it to you via email.

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Dowry System in India | blogger.com

essay on dowry system in india

 · Introduction to the Dowry System in India The practise of dowry has been prevalent for a long time in geographic areas like Asia, Africa, and Balkan states. The formal definition of Dowry is the value of tangible goods and security items like gold and ornaments that a bride brings along with her post blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins  · Causes of Dowry System 1. Greed Factor – dowry demands often is exemplary of the collective greed of the society. Extortion in the name of social standing, compensation for the cost of groom’s education, his financial stability is a key feature of Indian marriages. Demands are put forward shamelessly and are expected to be met with blogger.comted Reading Time: 12 mins Essay on Dowry System. Dowry system in India is running for a long time, it is like money which we give during marriage to the boy or their family, even property also can be included under dowry. The system of dowry started from ancient times like during marriage the money will be given to the groom so that he can take proper care of his bride, it was used to honoured from Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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