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Morocco essay

Morocco essay

morocco essay

Morocco Essay Following the establishment of the French protectorate over Morocco in , numerous nationalist movements emerged; after World War II these parties, especially the Istiqlal (Independence) led by Allal al-Yusuf, mobilized opposition to the French regime. There was also a small urban-based Communist Party led Mehdi Ben blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Feb 02,  · About Morocco Essay Example For women, they improve it to make a new dress over the ages, called Kaftan that is now the symbol for the Moroccan culture, it is like a Djelaba but with bright jewelry, ornament with some fancy breading blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins For my case I am from Morocco a country located in North West of Africa, widely open on the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Mediterranean Sea from the north, Morocco is the cradle of multiple culture and it is famous by its biodiversity when it comes to the languages spoken like in the next order Arabic, French, Berber, Spanish and English

Writing Essay About Morocco - Words | Bartleby

Welcome to diversity Every country from the world has its own culture and civilization. For my case I am morocco essay Morocco a country located in North West of Africa, widely open on the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Morocco essay Sea from the north, Morocco is the cradle of multiple culture and it morocco essay famous by its biodiversity when it comes to the languages spoken like in the next order Arabic, French, morocco essay, Berber, Spanish and English.

Still what is amazing about this country is that you can find more than four different civilizations and they live peaceful sharing the same land. When it comes to religion, the only official is Islam — Sunni, whoever there is a minority of Christian and Jewish people living there too, morocco essay, in addition Morocco is very famous for the cuisine, traditional clothing and the sacred music.

Islam is the majority religion that the Moroccan people practice, which apply a lot of Muslim customs to the morocco essay. The magic about this holiday is that the families from all over the country gather early in the morning of the first day to do a common prayer, this event is hosted locally in every city in a very wide, large areas where the city hall must prepare it and make it ready for the sacred prayer.

After that you go back to your home and you take a breakfast with the whole family, morocco essay, and you enjoy it so much not only because morocco essay is here but also because it is the first time after one month of fasting that you can have breakfast in daytime.

All the children are wearing new cloths, asking the adults for money so they can spend it in new toys for the next Islamic holiday, the mothers make such a delicious breakfast with traditional cakes, morocco essay, the fathers also have a duty, making the tea and serving everyone around the table.

The most traditional dress in Morocco for men and women is Djelaba, it is very common for people over there to wear it simply because it is very comfortable, loose, respectful, easy to wear and to cake off, actually you can put it on the top of anything, that what make it very popular. For women, they improve it to make a new dress over the ages, called Kaftan that is now the symbol for the Moroccan culture, it is like a Djelaba but with bright jewelry, ornament with some fancy breading work.

The djelaba is an everyday dress for people because it is simple, customized but the Kaftan is a usually for just special social event like weddings and religious holidays. Despite it costs nowadays, every Moroccan woman must purchase at least one of those dresses a year.

The Moroccan music is very various depending on the area where you are. I am going to mention just the most popular one; Gnawa, Chaabi and Malhoun. For Gnawa music, it was brought form the sub-Sahara and considerate very spiritual and mystical because it has special moves, rules to follow and special instrument, the sound of the music is just incredible.

For the Chaabi style, it is like pop morocco essay in the United States, it was performed from the street markets in the beginning but now it morocco essay found in every celebration and event, what is special about this kind of music is it combines most folk music in Morocco, which created new style, Chaabi. In addition of those kinds morocco essay have the most sacred and traditional one; The Malhoun, we find this kind in the north of the country, especially Fez, morocco essay, the capital of the spiritual life.

The Malhoun is a combination of poetry and the mythical instrument; Al Oud, it is like a guitar but you find it only in Morocco, it requires a group morocco essay at least two morocco essay, one singing morocco essay the other one with the instrument, this music is very relaxing and deep also because it is poetry, it is usually present in the religious events.

Now I am going to introduce my favorite part of my culture, which is the Moroccan cuisine. It is widely regarded as being one of the best cuisines in the world.

It is now a fusion of the Berber, morocco essay, Moorish, Mediterranean and the European cuisines. It has been long top rated by people, who taste the real Moroccan cuisine. Spices are used extensively in the Moroccan cuisine, chicken is the most popular meat used in Morocco, also the most morocco essay red meat is beef and lamb to but the last one morocco essay less common because it is relatively expensive.

Morocco grow a morocco essay diversity of veggies and fruit; which make people use a lot of vegetables in their everyday dishes therefore the most famous dish in Morocco is Couscous and is cocked using seven kind of veggies, morocco essay, the other famous dishes are Bastila, Tajine and Harira in the month of Ramadan.

The most popular drink in morocco is green tea with mint, and surprising enough alcohol is the second most popular drink, morocco essay, because Morocco is a Muslim country and alcohol is forbidden by religion and yet Morocco by itself produce two brand of beer and more than twenty kind of wine.

For me my country is very precious, I love my culture so much, I respect the diversity of the regions, and every region has its magic, spells, and beauty.

What is so special about it so that you need so much time to see all different kinds of my culture, the south with the wide desert and shining stars at night, the east with the big beautiful mountains and waterfalls, the north and its hills and rivers and the west with all the big cities and the gold beaches.

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Dina Benbrahim reads from her essay in Our Morocco

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Morocco Essay ⋆ History Essay Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire

morocco essay

Feb 02,  · About Morocco Essay Example For women, they improve it to make a new dress over the ages, called Kaftan that is now the symbol for the Moroccan culture, it is like a Djelaba but with bright jewelry, ornament with some fancy breading blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Morocco Essay Following the establishment of the French protectorate over Morocco in , numerous nationalist movements emerged; after World War II these parties, especially the Istiqlal (Independence) led by Allal al-Yusuf, mobilized opposition to the French regime. There was also a small urban-based Communist Party led Mehdi Ben blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Morocco Essay philosophy and evolution. Morocco, a country located in North West Africa, broadly exposed on the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Mediterranean Sea from the north. The Strait of Gibraltar, which unites the Mediterranean and

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